JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)


The SNMP Adaptor JBoss Service


The SNMP Adaptor JBoss Service is located in $JBOSS_HOME/server/<profile>/deploy/snmp-adaptor.sar


The SNMP Adaptor Service  contains the general configuration of the SNMP service and the JMX to SNMP mapping for the JBoss Application Server and its subcomponents.

The SNMP Adaptor Service Agent listen on a given UDP port (default 1161). The manager may send requests from any available source port to port 1161 in the Agent. The Agent responses will be sent back to the source port of the manager sent requests. The  SNMP Adaptor Service  also provides a manager that can receive notifications (Traps and Inform Requests) on port 1162. The  SNMP Adaptor Service Agent  may generate notifications from any available port on behalf of the JBoss Application Server or its components and applications deployed within it.


Extract the file snmp-adaptor.sar.zip to $JBOSS_HOME/server/<profile>/deploy

Note : make sure to remove the old snmp-adaptor.sar if present


The SNMP Adaptor JBoss Service location will be referred as $JBOSS_SNMP_ADAPTOR.

The SNMP Adaptor JBoss Service offers 5 configuration files

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 11:41:58 UTC, last content change 2011-07-12 20:55:37 UTC.